Student Life

Past and present students share their thoughts and experiences on studying in Japan.


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In general, I think the KCP program is really great and I’m very glad I decided to do it. It was a lot of work, but I learned a lot, met many interesting people from all over the world, and got to have a very different experience of Japan than the normal tourist.

—Marc Kwiatkowski

I thought that the Japanese psychology lecture was one of the most interesting and eye opening into the culture and differences between Japanese culture and my own.

—Mary Davison


Get a better picture of KCP students on various learning adventures; from classroom activities to visits to historical sites. Also, get a glimpse of the dorm/homestay life, and the KCP campus and neighborhood.

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Finding your way around Japan and the KCP neighborhood is much easier with a map. For your convenience, here are some to help guide you as you travel. Be sure to check out our virtual tour of the KCP building — a great introduction to our learning space.

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KCP Neighborhood

Student Posts

Read the writings of KCP students who share their travels, learnings and everything else from their stay in Japan.

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Which events or activities did you find the most satisfying and why?

Kevin from Summer Short 2017

I enjoyed the Yamanashi Bus Trip because it provided opportunities to practice regular conversation with the teachers and staff who accompanied us, something which is harder to do during a regular school day. Things such as the peach eating and zazen practice also aren’t things one would usually do on a personal sightseeing trip.

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I was confident that KCP would help me improve my Japanese.

Anthony from 2013

I most enjoyed the field trip to Hakone Shrine, Odawara Castle, and Owakudani. Not only did we get to see some beautiful places, we also played Jan Ken Pon Derby and watched part of Princess Mononoke on the bus!

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